Role Purpose: The Speaker Coordinator is responsible for selecting the Speaker (in conjunction with the GOC Council), communicating with the Speaker, obtaining a photo and brief bio of the speaker, assuring that the Speaker attends the Gathering of Circles and has what is needed, and introducing the Speaker at the Gathering of Circles.
The Speaker Coordinator works with the GOC Council to select the Speaker. The Speaker Coordinator contacts the Speaker and obtains the Speaker’s commitment to attend the GOC and make a presentation (and a Workshop, if requested).
It is advisable for the Speaker Coordinator position to be filled early so that the Speaker selection can be reviewed with the GOC Council. However, given the voluntary nature of the Gathering of Circles, it may be that the Speaker Coordinator position is not filled until after the Planning Committee Meeting, or that the Speaker has not been selected by the time of the Planning Committee Meeting.
During the GOC:
The GOC Speaker Coordinator is responsible for providing directions to the Speaker so that they can find the GOC, making sure that they arrive at the GOC, welcoming the Speaker and helping them set up their camp, introducing the Speaker to people, and showing the Speaker around the GOC site. The Speaker should be made aware of their speaking schedule and any workshop commitment times.
The Speaker normally is given an honorarium of $500 to help off-set their travel expenses.
Traditions Description:
The GOC has been blessed to have many wonderful Speakers, both Native American and other lineages. Panels of Speakers also have been used at the GOC. Some Speakers have been people from the GOC membership.