2018 Planning Meeting Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the ANNUAL PLANNING MEETING for the GOC
March 3, 2018

Meeting Time 2 PM    Meeting Location: Placitas NM & Zoom Meeting Chair: Cliff Buchanan

Meeting Facilitator: Steve Lake

Placitas Attendees: Cliff, June, Steve, Mike, Wanda, Bob, Karen, Lois, Brett, Natalie, Irene, Ed, Gerald (Host) Robert (Co-host), Sarah Hilbert, Laura and Ethan Hatchett, Regina Water Spirit

Various four-legged family.

Zoom Virtual Attendees: Sarah Starkey Lanham, Kathy, Ann, Shawna, Bobby, Jennifer Caviness, Tiffany Mitchell, Beth, Lee, Cathy Martin, Jen Redhawk

Introductions– Cliff and Steve Lake introduced the individuals present at Placitas to the virtual attendees.

Opening prayer and Welcome – Our host Gerald gave the opening prayer and welcomed everyone.

Opening Pipe Ceremony– Brett Messer conducted the opening Pipe Ceremony

Talking Stick Protocol begins– Brett Messer describes the talking stick and provides guidance and insight about truly listening.

Opening Words from Winterfox– Cliff explains that as people take on a responsibility it requires that we answer the call of spirit and try to volunteer for something new, something we have never done in order to learn.

What worked well in 2017– Brett explained that so many things went well in 2017. Every year we are moving forward in a good way. Brett also mentioned that it is the collective sentiment that the event gets better every year and asked that volunteers please feel free to step up.

Review of comments– Steve described the new process started last year of people filling in comment cards. Some of the major items were:

1)      Barking dogs were an issue for some and mentioned on comments

2)      Opening Ceremony suggestions

3)      Workshop availability for repeat sessions

4)      Sound system worked well and was appreciated

5)      Jan commented that the canopy went up well

6)      Not everyone smoked each pipe during the pipe ceremony

7)      Silent auction was excellent

The link for the comments will be posted on Dropbox for review if anyone is interested.


Schedule of events

*Discussion was carried over from the regular council meeting of February where Shawna had suggested rearranging the order events that the Sacred Pipe Ceremony precede the introductions as part of the opening ceremony. That motion was put forth by Shawna and seconded by Wanda. All in attendance agreed and the motion carried.

*Brett discussed changing the breaking of the Pipe as well and made that as a motion seconded by Kathy. Motion passed unanimously.

There was much discussion regarding the order of the auction, raffle and time taken by those events. There were many ideas suggested regarding the way the raffle should be conducted and the final decision will be made by the committee.

Coordinator Positions– Steve had already started a list of those individuals that had volunteered prior to the Annual meeting to serve as chair or volunteer on committees.

He explained that many positions require extra help. This is a wonderful opportunity to pitch in, learn a task, and meet new friends. You will find it a rewarding experience. If you are called please let Steve know.

Welcome Table – Jan Leenhouts-Martin, Jennifer Caveness, Michelle MaciasT, Michael Burr

Workshops – Cathy Martin

Sweat Lodge – Sarah Starkey Lanham

Speaker – Mike Two Bears

Give Away – Jan LM, Laura

Raffle – Gerald Richards, Elaine Starkey, Beth Marietta

Port-A-Potties – Cliff

T-Shirts – June

Children’s Activities – Sara Hilbert

Clean-Up – Steve Lake, June

Drumming-Team – The 3 Lakes

Sweet Medicine Dance- Tom Casey

Wood – Cliff

Feast- Lois Colbridge

Pancake Breakfast – June

GOC Brochure- Donna Pounds, Irene Ramos

GOC Events Schedule/ Workshop Guide- Cliff

Saturday Night Drum Circle- Pete Phillips, Ethan Hatchett

Sweatless Sweat- Virgie Ravenhawk

Sound System- Steve Lake

Labor/Logistics Crew- Steve Lake


15 Minute Break


Speaker Update– follow-up discussion by Mike Andrews about the World Class Spiritual Speaker, Basil Braveheart, Ogalala Elder at the Pine Ridge author of the book The Spiritual Journey of a Braveheart. There was much discussion and a collective hope and prayer that Basil will be able to somehow address the GOC in 2018. There was discussion regarding the use of technology to make this possible. Prayers will be lifted for a resolution. Reginah Water Spirit has offered to speak on behalf of the GOC to his family.

Theme for 2018– Steve Lake provided the list of the final ideas two of which were eliminated due to sounding too similar to themes of past years. Final ideas: Peace Begins with Me, Cultivating Unity, Sacred Acts, and Human Heart.

* Natalie suggested a culmination: “Peace Begins with… Sacred Acts, Human Hearts, Unity, Me”. This was brought up as a motion by Natalie and a second by Wanda. It was decided by the group to go with this theme. Motion approved with no dissent.

This actually included the idea for the t-shirt design which will be a Peace sign with the words around and in the symbol. T-shirt design Coordinator for 2017 Brett requested one form be used for the t-shirt order.

Open discussion– Wanda asked about Morning Meditation and if it should stay as it is conducted. All agreed it is beautifully facilitated just as it always has been and should remain the same.

Review of action items– Irene reviewed the items which required a motion and a vote:

Changing of order of events– Pipe Ceremony preceding Introductions, The Giveaway moving to the morning on Saturday, The closing of the Pipe, and the Theme and T-shirt design

Closing Prayer: Regina conducted the closing prayer

Adjournment: meeting ended and Zoom session terminated