2019 T-Shirt Order Form

GOC 2019 T-shirts:

2019 Logo
2019 Logo
Our theme this year is: “Celebrating 25 Years in Spirit. It’s Epic!”

The logo was done by our very own Mama Uma, Wanda Wade. It represents our traditional Sweet Medicine Dance. See write-up here. The man and woman represents a coming together of the genders. The childlike figure represents our belief that the children are our future and that they need to be included and nurtured.

The logo on the back is a representation of our 25 years on the mountain. These are the t-shirt designs we have had in the past including this year!

All T-shirts are $25.00. Shipping free! Short and long sleeves!
White and black only! 100% Cotton.
White Short Sleeve $25 Sizes YXSS-4XL
White Short Sleeve $25
Sizes YXSS-4XL
Black Short Sleeve $25 Sizes YXSS-4XL
Black Short Sleeve $25
Sizes YXSS-4XL

All orders must be in no later than July 15, 2019!!! 

NEW! If you cannot attend the GOC or have your shirt picked up by someone attending, shipping is FREE!


Step 1. Fill in the T-shirt order form completely. This includes your contact info as well as your orders. There are ten order fields. You must use at least one. When finished, click the SUBSCRIBE button. If there are no errors, you will be presented with an ORDER page reflecting what you just submitted or you will get an email of what you ordered. It is strongly recommended that you print your order. You will receive a conformation email of your order from the T-shirt Coordinator. Please check it for accuracy.

Step 2. Pay for your t-shirts below by clicking the GOC T-Shirt Payment button. You can choose to pay by PayPal, credit card, or bank account. We encourage you to use the GOC T-Shirt Payment button below because it makes a permanent record of your payment. Also, we have to pay for the t-shirts when the order is placed so please pay NOW! If you wish, you can pay by check or cash at the GOC event in August. Please direct any questions to the T-shirt coordinator. That email is tshirts@gatheringofcircles.com   or phone/text June Baldwin at 432-438-1313.

GOC T-Shirt Payment HERE!

3. Use Order one thru Order ten (if necessary) to specify your T-shirt order. We are offering four styles of shirts, sizes available as listed. The 4 styles are:

  1. White Short Sleeve – WSS
  2. Black Short Sleeve – BSS
  3. White Long Sleeve – WLS
  4. Black Long Sleeve – BLS

The format for each Order line is: quantity, style, size, money. For example: “2, WSS, L, $50” would be 2 T-shirts, Style: White short sleeve, large, total $50. Use up to ten order lines. Do not include the dollar sign in the Total Amount field! Use the garment measurement chart above to determine the size.

Order 2019 T-Shirts HERE!

* indicates required

T-Shirt Payment Choice *

Mail or Pick Up T-shirt? *