The 2018 GOC Planning Meeting was a well-attended, wonderful success!
Thanks again to our wonderful hosts, Gerald and Robert. We are anticipating a smoother flowing yet still comprehensive experience for all this year “On the Mountain”. Among the suggestions approved will be changing the order Saturday morning to Give Away/ Feast/ Raffle. Wednesday evening the pipe ceremony will precede introductions. The Theme was chosen as a modification of voted submissions:
Peace Begins with: Sacred Acts, Human Hearts, Unity, Me
Those words on a peace symbol background for the T-Shirt.
Our speaker/format this year is still somewhat undetermined but we are optimistic about an exciting presentation!
GOC 2018 Coordinators and assistants
Many positions require extra help. This is a wonderful opportunity to pitch in, learn a task, and meet new friends. You will find it a rewarding experience. If you feel called to assist in any area, contact the coordinator. If you can’t let me know and I will put you in touch with the coordinator if you don’t have their contact info.
Welcome Table – Jan Leenhouts-Martin, Jennifer Caveness, Michelle MaciasT, Michael Burr
Workshops – Cathy Martin
Sweat Lodge – Sarah Starkey Lanham
Speaker – Mike Two Bears
Give Away – Jan Leenhouts-Martin, Laura Hatchett
Raffle – Gerald Richards, Elaine Starkey, Beth Marietta
Port-A-Potties – Cliff Buchanan
T-Shirts – June Baldwin
Children’s Activities – Sara Hilbert
Clean-Up – Steve Lake, June Baldwin
Drumming-Team – The 3 Lakes
Sweet Medicine Dance– Tom Casey
Wood – Cliff Buchanan
Feast– Lois Colbridge
Pancake Breakfast – June Baldwin
GOC Brochure– Donna Pounds, Irene Ramos
GOC Events Schedule/ Workshop Guide– Cliff Buchanan
Saturday Night Drum Circle– Pete Phillips, Ethan
Sweatless Sweat– Virgie Ravenhawk
Sound System– Steve Lake
Labor/Logistics Crew– Steve Lake
It was a wonderful meeting!
Blessing to you all!