2020 Planning Meeting Report

Minutes for GOC Planning Meeting March 28, 2020 by ZOOM

Presiding: Steve Lake

Attendees Present: as called  during meeting     For list of participants as captured  on Zoom see below Steve Lake, Cliff Buchanan, June Baldwin, Bobby Ashworth, Mike Three Bears Andrews, Kathy Two Hawks,  Amalia Baca, Raymond Baca, Michael Seraphia, Cathy Martin and Gavin, Melissa Acevedo, Love Swimmingbear, Katy Walsh and Leticia, Joey Bellis?, Ann Blacketer, Catherine Rose Strecko, Bob Wade, Wanda Wade,  Irene Ramos, Ed Ramos, Cesar Rosatto, Cathy Martin, Karen McGinnis, Laura Barrera, Brett Messer, Lois Colbridge, Beth Marietta, Becca Smith, June Baldwin, Vlad , Suzanne Stewart, Jazz Kendrick, Nathan, Belinda, Naomi from Tempe, Yuyu Tu from Phoenix, Susan Serin, Laura Barrera, Gerald Richard, Robert Fritz, Kate Morningstar, Tabitha Zeander, Kelly Knox
Meeting Location:    Zoom- Virtual meeting due to Shelter in Place order COVID 19 Response

Steve Called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm Cliff started the recording and introduced himself. Introductions of all attendees

Steve explained what would happen at the meeting as well as the proper protocols for being under the pipe. July 29th

  • lifted by Belinda Eiracho  and a Reading from Wallace Black Elk by Elder Cliff
  • Pipe Ceremony- Led by Brett Messer Pipe Carrier for the Rainbow Bridge Clan
  • Open Coordinator Positions- Coordinator Positions- Steve discussed positions:

Melissa is already signed up in the children’s activities with Sara Hibert and Bear assisting.

Clean Up is usually Steve and if anyone wants to volunteer to help with clean up,

Drum Team is Zach, Steve and Debbie Drumhawk,

Dance Coordinator call for volunteers possibly Tom Casey, Bobby and Melissa’s group,

Brochure Program printing is Ed and Irene,

Feast Coordinators YuYu and June will Coordinate,

Giveaway Catherine Rose and Cathy Martin,  

GOC Speaker Laura Barrera with Ed and Irene,

Men’s Bundle- Puck has the Men’s bundle and Steve received the original bundle from Red Sky Cesar will Coordinate the Men’s Bundle.

Port-o-Pottys concern regarding the possibility of their business suffering and what will be the status when the time arrives.

Permits- pointless to approach them now due to restrictions.

Raffle- Beth Merrietta.

Sweat Lodge Coordinator Melissa Acevedo with help from Kathy Two Hawks and from Catherine Rose, Miguel and Karlo,

Pipe Ceremony Saturday Drum is Pete and Catherine Rose, 

Sweatless Sweat is Virgie Ravenhawk,

T-shirt Coordinator YuYu has volunteered with help and support from June, Cliff and Melissa.

Youth Talking stick Melissa.

Women’s Bundle Beth has the bundle Cathy Martin and Kathy Two Hawks will handle the women’s bundle together.

Wood- Steve will contact the same people he has been working with

Community Prayer Bundle will be passed from Bob and Wanda to Ed and Irene

Welcome Table- Laura Barrera,  Bear, Kay Morningstar and Jan,

Care Tent- Wanda, Kathy, Amalia and Kate Morningstar, Ann

Workshop Coordinator- Irene Ramos

Brochure, Concepts and other overall roles were discussed. Steve asked for anyone interested please volunteer but we just need to make sure we have the lead foundational people involved.

  • Theme- Sacred Mountain Sacred Home- Four T-shirt designs were reviewed and discussed from Bob and Wanda Wade. Discussion regarding cultural appropriations. Vote taken by hand raising T-shirt design for the GOC with a design by Wanda Wade.
  • Speaker Update- Keynote Speaker on Thursday- form a committee to do the schedule so that it accommodates all the workshops.

Meeting continued as Vision Quest info – no notes available.

Planning Meeting March 28 at 4 PM via Zoom

Attendees as Listed on Zoom: Tabitha Zeanda, Susan Serin, Wanda and Bob Wade, Nathan M. Schmoldt, Melissa Acevedo. Laura Barrera, Kelly Knox, Kate Morningstar, Joseph Candia, Gerald Richard, Cesar Rosatto, Cathy Martin, Catherine Rose Strecko, Jazz Kendrick, Yuyu Tu, Amalia Baca, Belinda Eiracho, Beth Marietta, Bobby Ashworth, Brett Messer, Ed Ramos Irene Ramos Cliff Buchanan, June Baldwin, Kathy Two Hawks, Steve Lake, Karen McGinnis, Lois Colbridge, Love SwimmingBear

To play the video of the entire meeting, click on the link below: