Coordinators (Volunteers)

One of the main reasons for the Planning Meeting each year is to fill the Event Coordinators with volunteers. However, this does not mean you cannot volunteer before the meeting. If, after reviewing the description, you feel drawn to contribute in this way, just call or email Steve Lake 915-443-3334.

The Volunteers are designated by type:

Ongoing Role (OR) – An ongoing role is a volunteer position that tends to be the same person year after year or until someone else volunteers to take over that position or until the person doing it is unable to continue the obligation.

Event Coordinator (EC) – An event coordinator is a volunteer position that is typically for the current year only and changes from year to year. 

Click on the desired Coordinator to see the duties and responsibilities. Perhaps you would be interested in contributing to our gathering in this way.

Brochure (OR)

Care Station (EC)

Children’s Activities (EC)

Clean-up (EC)

Concepts (EC)

Council Member (OR)

Drumming Team (OR) 

Event Schedule (OR)

Feast (EC)

Give-a-way (EC)

Housekeeping Announcements (EC)

Keynote Speaker (OR)

Men’s Bundle Ceremony (EC)

Oneness Blessing (EC)

Opening Circle (EC)

Pancake Brunch (EC)

Permit (OR)

Port-a-potties (OR)

Raffle (EC)

Rainbow Bridge Clan Pipe Carrier (OR)

Saturday Feast (EC)

Saturday Night Drumming (EC)

Social Media (OR)

Sweat lodges (EC)

Sweet Medicine Dance (EC)

T-Shirts (EC)

Videographer (OR)

Welcome Table (EC)

Wood (OR)

Women’s Bundle Ceremony (EC)

Workshops (EC)