Gathering Of Circles

Grandfather Cachora

Yaqui Spiritual Leader


In San Antonio, Texas
Red Tail Hawk and Friends Present:

Grandfather Tezlcazi Guitimea Cachora is a spiritual leader of the Yaqui nation from Sonora, Mexico. He is known as a Nagual (or man of knowledge) and a Nahaul (or a man of power). Grandfather is a teacher and a collector of plant knowledge who is familiar with 4,000 plants and how they can be used medicinally to help people heal in a natural way.

Grandfather Cachora is also known as DON JUAN, the masterful shaman portrayed in the popular series of books written by Carlos Castaneda.

“Due to the changes of the earth and the end of oppression of the old healing ways of knowledge and spirituality”, Grandfather says, “ we are in the process called the unfolding of the legend of the rainbow warriors.”

Grandfather believes that it is time for the ancient sacred beliefs, rituals, and ceremonies to emerge in order to help lead people back to the natural way of life.

The Art of Plant Healing and Toltec Traditions
November 30, 2002
1pm to 5pm

Concentration Exercise
December 1, 2002
1pm to 5pm

Private Sessions
December 2 thru December 6

Concentration Exercise
December 7, 2002
1pm to 5pm

Plant “Walk About”
December 8, 2002
11am to 3pm

Location: Dancing Moon
San Antonio, Texas

Seating Linited - Reservations and Pre-payment Required

For info call 210-341-5823 or E-mail 

Virgie Ravenhawk, Pamela Scheler, Brett Messer, Kathy Colletta, Kathy Sassoon, and special friends Debbie Reid and Rhonda Meals present:




We offer courage and honor to all of our extended family and friends in all of our circles. We would like to introduce Grandfather Tezlcazi Guitimea Cachora, Spiritual leader of the Yaqui nation from Sonora, Mexico.


The Art of Plant Healing

Saturday; November 30,2002
1pm to 5pm
Dancing Moon

Join Grandfather for an afternoon of teachings and lessons about Toltec traditions and the art of plant healing knowledge.  There will also be a question and answer time.




Concentration Exercise

Sunday; December 1, 2002
1pm to 5pm
$55.00, limit 25 people
Dancing Moon

Grandfather Cachora will teach a special meditation called “Concentration” where participants will meditate with the image of the sacred triangle and the colors of the Seven Forces. This exercise will carry you to an experience of the infinite through the point of assemblage also known as “punto do encage:” Each individual will receive a personal reading and a personal symbol during this session with Grandfather.


Concentration Exercise

Saturday; December 7, 2002
$55.00, limit 25 people
Dancing Moon

This is another opportunity for more participants to experience Grandfather’s concentration exercise.






Plant “Walk About”

Sunday; December 8, 2002
11am to 3pm
Government Canyon

Enjoy a Texas “Walk About” with Grandfather Cachora as he teaches us about healing plants and trees of the Lone Star State. We will be afforded entrance to Government Canyon for this session only (not open to the public as a rule).  Special thanks to Debbie Reid for this opportunity. We will meet at the parking lot of HEB at the corner of Loop 1604 and Bandera Road (hwy 16) promptly at 10am for our 25minute ride to the canyon. It is important to be on time, as the gates will be locked upon entry and exit. 

Grandfather Cachora will be available for private readings and sessions 

December 2, 2002 through December 6, 2002

By appointment only  

Call: 210-341-5823 or speak to Virgie Ravenhawk on site of classes


Payment must be received by November 15, 2002.  Make checks or money orders

payable to Red Tail Hawk and mail to 2414 Greencrest, San Antonio 78213-4446.

You will receive a confirmation # when payment is received. Please include a phone 

number where you can be reached.  For questions contact

To use a Credit Card please call Dancing Moon Tuesday through Sunday from

10am to 5pm at 210-946-6464.

Virgie Ravenhawk – crafter of personal medicine and spiritual amulets and

Native American flute player speaks about Grandfather Cachora:

Grandfather is a highly devoted and spiritual leader with a complete regard and respect for the Earth Mother and all her children.  Grandfather said to me when I was sitting with him at his humble home in Baja, Mexico:

“Because of my father and my grandfather I learned to sit on the earth next to a
 plant or a tree and ask permission to know their knowledge. They speak to me
 as if I were their brother. They are full of energy of many different kinds. It is
 possible to listen to a plant in such a way that it imparts it’s knowledge to us
and helps us to heal as well as healing the earth.”

 I ask your patience to hear a remarkable story……


 One year ago on the 3rd of October 2001 a very dear sister and friend of ours

 fell prey  to the disease of cancer. The process of healing began immediately.  Along the road to recovery she was

 offered the chance to meet this incredible man by the name of Grandfather Cachora who was lecturing in Santa Fe,

 New Mexico.  At this point she and her spouse Brett was invited to spend some time with him at his home in Baja.

 The results will astound you.  She will be available for question and answer time at several of the meetings to give

 guidance and assurance.  Of course, there were many factors to her healing, but be assured that the healing baths and

 medicinal plant drinks that Grandfather prepared had much to do with her successful and continued recovery.


Thank you for your time, be well I am Virgie Ravenhawk and along with my co-hosts we

are at your service……Aho!


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