2023 GOC T-Shirts

Get your shirt today!

The Gathering of Circles is self-supported by the continued generosity and involvement of its participants for the past 29 years.

Every penny donated goes to continue the beautiful gathering that is GOC, as overseen monthly by a council of 19 unpaid volunteers.

GOC accepts donations and encourages participation in our fundraising activities. However, no fee is required to attend or participate.

We fund raise through our on the mountain raffle and Pancake Brunch and with a yearly themed souvenir T-shirt.

This years beautiful design was submitted by the talented Azure Sky Ramos.

As with most everything our suppliers have raised their prices slightly. A short sleeve is a donation of $22 and long sleeve is $27

It’s a great way to support your GOC and have a beautiful souvenir as well.

Shirts are only available in black this year to keep the cost down and highlight the beautiful design. Shipping is available (fees apply), otherwise you can save the charge and pick it up on the Mountain!

ORDERS MUST BE IN BY JULY 9TH. At that time all orders will be processed.

T-shirts are available with donation here.

We would love to hear from you!