Gathering Of Circles
Updated 07/31/2005



Thursday Evening

06:00 PM

Welcome and introductions – Brett Messer - This year we will retire our beloved talking stick, which has served us well for the last ten years. Dan Leonard from El Paso has crafted a wonderful new talking stick to be used for the Gathering Of Circles. Brett will introduce this new addition to the GOC as we go around the circle and introduce ourselves. You will also be smudged with sage and sweet grass to prepare for the weekend of ceremony.

07:30 PM

Pipe Ceremony - Pamela Scheler - Pamela Lightsong Scheler is the Pipe Carrier for the Rainbow Bridge Clan.  She creates sacred space through ceremony and song. She will be assisted by other pipe carriers, as is our tradition to open the weekend ceremonies.



Friday Morning

08:00 to 8:30 AM 

Brett will continue introductions for people who did not make the circle Thursday night. Smudging again.

08:30 to 09.30 AM

Welcome words from WinterFox (Cliff Buchanan). Here is where we acknowledge the coordinators, which are responsible for organizing the various activities of our weekend. Each workshop presenter will say a few brief words about their workshop. Also, any special announcements and reminders will be made here.

09.30 to 09:45


Carol Dawn will discuss our responsibility in this day and time.

09:45to 10:00 AM

Cliff will speak about the meaning of the GOC and the Rainbow Clan and will introduce our speaker.


10:00 to 11:30 AM

Our featured speaker, Jan Cyr from Yelm WA, “The Red Road, Destiny or Choice.” People from every corner of our Earth home, all ages, all walks of life are being drawn to the Red Road. Why is it that so many, regardless of bloodline, feel Indian? Why are the elders now sharing even the most sacred ceremonies such as Sun Dance with mix-blood peoples after so many years of necessary secretness and protection?


Friday Afternoon - Workshops

01:00 to 02:45 PM


Cliff Buchanan and Mike Andrews - Vision Quests


01:00 to 02:45 PM


Petra Reynolds and Tony Beauregard

Intro to building an Intentional Community

01:00 to 02:45 PM


Jan Cyr - Women's Medicine Bundle Workshop

03:00 to 4:45 PM

Mike Kelley - Practicing Detachment

03:00 to 4:45 PM

Carol Dawn - Sharing My Stories

03:00 to 4:45 PM


Regina WaterSpirit - Stretch Your Imagination to Create Choice


Friday Evening Sweat Lodges

05:00 to 06:00 PM

Children’s Sweat Lodge - Bear Heart

Bear Heart has asked to do the children’s lodge tonight. Marcelius Bear Heart Williams is a full-blooded Muskogee Creek Elder born in Oklahoma 87 years ago. He is one of the few remaining traditionally trained Medicine Men and carries the Sacred Pipe in the Lakota and Cheyenne traditions. Bear Heart’s grandchildren are here at the GOC with him.

06:00 to 08:30 PM

Women’s Sweat Lodge - Shawna Mitchell

An ordained Golden Eagle Minister, she finds her joy in her two daughters, Kelsey and Icie, her spiritual family, and service to others. Love, Strength, and Gratitude are gifted to her by participating in Ancestor Reverence, Sweat lodges, Vision Quests, Native American Church Meetings, and praying with the Sacred Pipe



08:00  to 09:30 PM

Sweatless Sweatlodge - Pamela Scheler

This is for those of us who are not able to participate in the Sweat Lodge because of health reasons or any other reason. The lodge will be conducted around a campfire and the symbolism will be covered just like in a regular sweat.

08:30  to 11:00 PM 

Men’s Sweat Lodge – Mike Andrews

Mike Eagle Eye Andrews was authorized to sponsor and lead Vision Quests in Bear Heart's tradition in a ceremony in September 2004. Bear Heart has been training Mike during the September 2004 and May 2005 Vision Quests. At the September 2005 Vision Quest, he will be assisting Bear Heart in sending people out on their Vision Quest, helping them understand their visions, and in naming. He has known Bear Heart for nine years as a friend, mentor, and teacher.

09:30 to ??? PM

Talking Circle – Carol Dawn plus ???

This is an extension of Carol Dawn’s workshop on telling of your experiences and teachings around the campfire.


Friday Evening at the Movies plus Popcorn

09:00 to 9:30 PM


Raven Tales – or How Raven Stole the Light

A beautiful animated tale for children as well as adults. Popcorn served. Join Raven, Frog, and Eagle on their first adventure in a land before time. Raven Tales is a multiple award winning computer animated film based on the first Nations folklore of the Northwest Coast.

09:30 to 10:00 PM

Bear Heart’s Video – It’s a Good Day to Live!

A true Native American teaching that applies to us today more than ever before. See Regina Waterspirit to purchase the CD.

10:00 to 11:00 PM

What the Bleep Do We Know ?


Saturday Morning

05:00 to 07:30 AM 

Co-ed Dawn Sweat Lodge – Enrique Hynes

 A gifted Healer and Ceremonialist, Enrique shares his indigenous spirit by honoring all people and Mother Earth.


07:45 to 08:45 AM 

"World Famous Pancakes" - Cliff Buchanan - (Odessa Texas)
 - Cliff's Kitchen - Fantastic healthy secret recipe, bacon, butter, syrup, GOC donation of $2 to $3 appreciated. Bring your plate, fork and knife and don’t forget your appetite.


Saturday Morning - Workshops

09:00 to 10:45 AM 


Cyndi Hughs - The Importance of Ritual in Our Lives

09:00 to 10:45 AM


Rita A. Popp - Journal Writing Walk & Talk

09:00 to 10:45 AM 


Mike Kelley – Men’s Bundle

11:00 to 12:45 AM 


Barbara Harris - Healing and the Mind

11:00 to 12:45 AM 


Cliff Buchanan - Shamanic Journey Drumming

11:00 to 12:45 AM 


Steve and Resa Ferreira

Healing Stories: Discovering Your Personal Myth


Saturday Afternoon

03:30 to 06:00 PM 

Preparation for the Sweet medicine Dance – Tom Casey

Everyone pitches in to prepare the dance circle. Tom Casey is a veteran Long Dancer and will explain the meaning of the Dance to you.

Dusk to 11:00 PM 

Time to dance your dance of life and find your own Sweet Medicine. Gather for the processional, which will enter the dance circle from the four cardinal directions. Choose your direction or… let it choose you. Trust in Spirit to guide you this night to find what your soul needs. Dress your best, paint your face, wear your mask or not, find your center and dance your best.

11:00 PM to 01:30 AM

Co-ed Sweat Lodge  - One of our traditions is to share each door among four leaders, two male and two female.




Sunday Morning

08:00 to 11:00 AM 

“Talking Stick and Give a Way” – Pamela Scheler

Bring a gift wrapped in a paper bag for the “give-a-way.” This should be something of significance (meaningful) to you, which you now want to relinquish your attachment to, and pass on to a new keeper. The size or monetary value of this item is irrelevant but the more significant to you the better. It may be symbolic of something of yourself, which you have or wish to turn loose of so that your “hands” are freed up for your present pursuits. Listen to your heart in deciding what to “give-a-way” at this time.

11:00 to 01:00 PM


“Feast” - Bring “pot luck” dish and share the fellowship. Please stay as long as you can to help take down the sweat lodges and police the campsites.


Childrens Basket

June/Nell Baldwin (right) is bringing the "Children's basket" again this year. She will bring a basket of toys, books, musical instruments, balls, yo-yo's, etc. for the children. It will be kept at the Welcome Table. Kids will come get an item from the basket to play with/use/read and return it when they wish and get something else. At the end they will return the items unless it's something they really want to keep. June invites everyone to bring something to add to the Children's Basket so it will continue to be filled year after year.


2005 Cordinators – Thank you!


Sweat Lodge   
Welcome Table
Sweet Medicine Dance
Drumming Team

Pamela Scheler (254) 554-1791
Mike Kelley (806) 765-0441
Petra Reyonlds (210) 274-8862
Cliff Buchanan (432) 550-3302
Shawna Mitchell (325) 668-2563
Cyndi Hughs C (325) 721-7315
Stacy Norman  H (915) 592-2184
Brett Messer (254) 773-1785
Tom Casey (915) 544-5326
Susan Murray (505) 603-0154



Rules:     Radios will not be allowed except with earphones. Dogs must be kept on a leash. No drugs or alcohol.
Wear loose comfortable clothing in sweat lodges. No smoking in Sacred Circles or workshops.

Disclaimer: No ceremony we perform should be construed to be a traditional Native American ceremony.



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