1998 GOC Brochure

Welcome to the 4th Annual 1998
Gathering of Circles

August 6-9, 1998
through Sunday

Cloudcroft, New Mexico

Register with Cliff Buchanan

1404 Castle Road, Odessa, TX 79762

915-550-3302 isi@planetwide.com





Talking Stick

This is for Kids!

Welcome to the 1998 Gathering of Circles. This annual event is sponsored and supported by various individuals and circles of people in New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, and other states who wish to get together and share ideas, ceremonies, spirituality, talents, and friendship. We gather on Thursday night for the opening pipe ceremony and introductions. Friday morning we have a circle for all in which we provide an itinerary of the various activities for the weekend. These events include, but are not limited to, workshops on massage, yoga, rakie, shamanic drumming, drum-making, self-hypnosis, meditation, Myers Briggs test, Rock-a-Bye, mask making, face painting, world class pancake breakfast, children’s activities, sweat lodges, 12-step meeting, “Sweet Medicine Dance”, Give-A-Way, and feast. Bobby Ashworth and Dan Leonard will begin by leading us in a “get acquainted” activity. Friday afternoon and Saturday morning there will be scheduled workshops. Separate Men’s and Women’s sweat lodges will be held Friday night, and a co-ed sweat will be available on Saturday night after the Dance. Sunday morning we will all gather again for the give-a-way ceremony and feast. We should be ready to leave the area by 2:00 p.m.


Bobby Ashworth (left) and Dan Leonard (right) will lead us in a “get acquainted” exercise on Friday morning. Every season these activities prove to be unique. Everyone learns something about himself he did not know before. Bobby also holds drum auditions for the “Sweet Medicine Dance.” Anyone who has not drummed before must pass the concentration test. The drumming starts when the dance begins and goes for four to five hours. There will be three people on the drum at all times. Bobby and Dan work for Alliance hospital in Santa Teresa, New Mexico. They run the activities programs for the hospital and operate their own business, Southwest Adventures, doing wilderness workshops for businesses and organizations. Don’t miss the powerful healing in the work these men offer.


Order your T-shirt today !
The T-shirts this year will be patterned after the design on the left. Please order as soon as you can. Send your order to Bret and Betty Burlock, PO Box 274, Tye, TX 79563 915-691-5676, e-mail: bbburlock@msn.com, or to Cliff Buchanan, 1404 Castle Road, Odessa, TX 79762, 915-550-3302, e-mail:isi@planetwide.com. T-shirts are $12. Sizes are S, M, L, XL, and XXL.


This is for kids!
One of the most fantastic features of the Gathering of Circles is that it is not only for adults but also for the children. I have heard it said: “It takes the whole tribe to raise a child.” This year will be the third Gathering for the little boy on the right! We will have various activities for the children such as hikes, crafts, and a kid’s campfire.


Yoga in the Morning!
Carol Dawn and Susan Murray will lead us in an early morning meditation, chanting exercises, and Hatha Yoga to greet the day on Saturday and Sunday morning. Carol teaches at Navajo Community College in Arizona and Susan has her own private school in Sante Fe, New Mexico.


Bring a gift wrapped in a paper bag for the “give-a-way.” This should be something of significance (meaningful) to you, which you now want to relinquish your attachment to, and pass on to a new keeper. The size or monetary value of this item is irrelevant but the more significant to you the better. It may be symbolic of something of yourself which you have or wish to turn loose of so that your “hands” are freed up for your present pursuits. Listen to your heart in deciding what to “give-a-way” at this time.


Special Ceremonies
Drumsong (left) performs special ceremonies such as the “Joining Ceremony” (right) that was done last year. Drumsong (Cliff Buchanan, Pamela Scheler, and Brett Messer) facilitate other gatherings during the year.

Cost: Love offering (generally 0 to 50 dollars). This is not about money. The planning committee for the Gathering of Circles approves all expenses paid. Expenses include postage, brochure, planning meeting notices, permits, T-shirts, and port-a-potties. Any monies collected and not spent will go toward the next gathering. All workshop presenters give their services without compensation. Love offering will be collected at the site.


Bear Heart to speak to us on Friday.
Bear Heart is a Muskogee Creek Indian. He is a medicine man and respected elder of his tribe. Bear Heart lives in Albuquerque and is both a healer and roadman of the Native American Church. He is in great demand as a public speaker and has made numerous television and radio appearances. He was the keynote speaker last year at the Spirituality and Wellness Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. Bear Heart shares a lifetime of training that includes ceremonies conducted in the sweat lodge and the Native American Church, chanting, and smoking the sacred pipe to teach us how to walk the Spirit Road. Bear Heart wrote: The Wind Is My Mother: The Life and Teachings of a Native American Shaman. Author: Bear Heart with Molly Larkin.


Dan Leonard
in Shower

Drums and kids


Honor and respect the land and natural life on it as part of our family. Treat it as you would like to be treated. Do not bring any alcohol or drugs. You are responsible for your own meals and camping gear (this is a wilderness area, so bring tent, sleeping bag, etc.). You will need rain gear and rain fly. Bring a potluck dish to contribute to the Feast on Sunday. Bring noisemakers (drums, rattles, etc.). Rules: Radios will not be allowed except with earphones. Dogs must be kept on a leash.